Arrival to Yogya, Mariah Carey can not wait to sing in Borobudur


YOGYA, – Mariah Carey landed at Adisucipto Airport in Yogyakarta in her private plane this Sunday morning (4/11/2018). Welcomed by PT Taman Ward Directors Wisata Borobudur, Prambanan and Ratu Boko, as well as Rajawali Indonesia Communication Event Consultant. Mariah Carey not only came alone but also brought her family to Indonesia to host the Borobudur Symphony of 2018.

"Mariah Carey is very happy and Ecxited wishes to perform immediately in one of the historic buildings that also become a world cultural heritage, namely the Borobudur Temple," said Bakkar Wibowo, Creative Director of the Symphony of Borobudur, 2018.

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Borobudur Symphony, an international musical event organized as a form of long-term synergy. BUMN Present in the country to present Indonesian tourism globally, especially state-owned tourist destinations, as a form of cultural diplomacy conferring a new power to strengthen the national brand image. And the Borobudur Symphony itself is a blend of two world masterpieces, namely the Borobudur Temple, which constitutes the nation's cultural heritage with masterpieces of world music.

During its first commissioning, the large helicopter promoted by PT Taman Wisata Candi Borobudur, Prambanan and Ratu Boko, as well as Rajawali Indonesia Communication, were appointed event consultants by a world diva to play on stage in the temple of Borobudur. Mariah Carey, a world diva who has won 5 Grammy Awards, 21 World Music Awards, 21 American Music Awards and 32 Billboard Music Awards, is ready to present her best works during her performance in the 2018 HIMBARA Borobudur Symphony – Mariah Carey Live in Concert, Tuesday (6/11/2018) at Borobudur Temple, Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia.

Anas Syahrul Alimi, CEO of Rajawali Indonesia Communication, HIMBARA event consultant for the Borobudur symphony in 2018 – Mariah Carey Live in Concert said her party had ensured that all preparations for this event were under control. In fact, since last week, the entire production team on duty has been rushed to the venue to do the loading and prepare various things needed.

Palwoto, director of finance, human resources and investment of the PT Taman Wisata Borobudur temple of Prambanan & Ratu Boko, added that, until now, the tickets for the Mariah Carey show at the symphony of Borobudur had almost disappeared. He said that the enthusiasm of the Indonesian public and the neighboring country was so great that to watch the show immediately. (*)

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