Ashanty and Nia Ramadhani Emotions hear about Jedar never called former husband


BANGKAPOS.COM – Jessica Iskandar lives as a single mother raising her baby, El Barack.

The birth of El Barack had become a mystery because Jessica was trying to conceal it.

El is a fruit of his love with a German man

The man is named Ludwig Franz Willibald Maria Joseph Leonard is known as a German nobleman.

Little information, Jessica Iskandar said she married Ludwig on January 8, 2014. [19659004] Read: The Funeral News, Michael Jackson's Father Joe Jackson is dead

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-tiba in mid-2015 Ludwig called to cancel their marriage.

The District Court Judge of South Jakarta also decided to annul the marriage of Jedar and Ludwig


However, Ludwig recently contacted Jessica Iskandar

He was revealed to Jedar when a guest star in the YouTube video Ashanty, Thursday (6/28/2018).

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"Approximately until today you still think that El Barack is not?" He asked.

"I did not really think," Jedar replied.

"You still did not like Kangen?" Ashanty insisted.

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