Ask the injections to die while eating kripik, this 104 year old scientist does not believe in the existence of the afterlife.
TRIBUNMANADO.CO.ID – Usually humans want to live long, for fear of dying.
Given health, happiness and longevity is a prayer that is offered when we are not a birthday.
But it's different from this grandfather.
Quoted in Grid.ID in The Guardian, Tuesday (11/27), a scientist named David Goodall, of Melbourne, Australia, had a strange query.
He, aged 104, asked to be injected to die simply because he was tired of living a long time.
Goodall, born in England, later obtained his request from the family.
Goodall was then taken to Switzerland.
In Switzerland, he was then taken to a clinic authorized to legally end his life.
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Upon arriving there, Goodall had to fill in a number of documents indicating where he really wanted to die.
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