Astaghfirullah! Roro Fitria is named after his mother for Sabu's message


Dream – A surprising fact has been revealed in the case of drug abuse cases by the artist Roro Fitria. According to the indictment read by the Attorney General, Roro ordered the shabu-shabu using the name of his mother

Sabu was ordained to Roro by Wawan Hertawan. Artist who is identical to these luxury goods contact Wawan around eleven o'clock on the night of last February 13th. Roro asked Wawan to find shabu-shabu

"Then the witness (Wawan) will try to find shabu," said Sarwoto's lawyer while reading the indictment in the court of South Jakarta district yesterday

Roro then transferred five million rupees. in Wawan. The transfer was made by the Roro BCA account bearing number 90166577 to the Wawan BCA account number 3460195406.

"Each one million rupees for the Wawan service payment while the remaining four million for the Wawan BCA account Purchase of three grams of sabu "(19459008) Dream / Nur Ulfa)

The indictment also calls Roro to ask the shabu-shabu (19459008) in line at his house located in Jalan Durian Raya number 23D Ragunan, South Jakarta.But not the name Roro used as the recipient, but the mother.

"Where the use of the name of the defendant's mother who uses the address that is not addressed to her," Sarwoto said.

Roro awaits order until one-thirty in the evening. "But witness Wawan Hertawan and witnesses testify to witnesses of Setiwan Supriyono Polda's Metro Jaya," he said.

After that, this woman from Yogyakarta was interrogated. Roro claimed to have commanded the shabu-shabu and showed evidence of conversation online . "Then brought Polda Metro Jaya," he said.

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