JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – Although busy in the art world, singer Aura Kasih does not leave the music industry like that. As a result, he prepared a recycled song to maintain his existence.
"If you can both (comedy and music) the way, now make the music again just want a new movie," said Aura in an interview at MNC Studio Tower II, West Jakarta, Wednesday 07/04/2018.
"There is also a coincidental singer in my management.We recycle (song)," he still said
only, will not have wanted to disclose the title of the song and the owner of the song that he recycled that He just gave a little information on the possibility of a gender change for his new single
Read also: Aura of Love created Vertiges Video Mesums
"There is probably yes, later .. There is deh, just finished workshop yesterday. Unique new insha Allah", said Aura.
This long-haired woman added that the single will be released next month. As soon as Aura finishes filming the film
"Yes if it can be next month, maybe after shooting in August … Quite empty, maybe could he go out, Insha Allah, "said Aura.
"If I were again shot (movie), do not sing it's still the process still reading workshop so there is empty time that I ] workshop even producer me to make music, "he added. [Si (f.fbq) renvoie; n = f.fbq = fonction () {n.callMethod? (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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