JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – Role of artist and singer Aura Kasih (31 years old) did not want to report the party that was broadcasting video by also uploading a photo of herself and mentioned his name
to my friends who are policemen, cuman they said it had to be back and forth continuously (undergo the reporting process) .C is why I Needs clarification in Instagram it's enough, continues with the help of the media, "said Aura during a meeting at gala premiere movie Chief Little Chef in Kasablanka Town XXI, South Jakarta, Thursday (28/6/2018).
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The leadership of Aura Kasih also had time to trap the perpetrators of the ITE law. Unfortunately, the account disappeared
"That still dibicarain same management me, it is my management ngurusin because it was searched link that suddenly said that (the one in the video) was me, but he said (the account) is gone, "he said.
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Aura Kasih said that he was not the person who reported the problem to the police.
"So, I think, ouch how yes, I'm not the one who was really hungry, but with the clarification aja I think that's enough and that's totally slander, I do not know who started, "he said.
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New videos featuring a woman have recently sparked a craze on social networks
In addition, the video was put online with a photo of Aura Kasih with the description of "New Aura Kasih Scandal". 19659012]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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