TABLOIDBINTANG.COM – Baim Wong Dam Paula Verhoeven will hold a protest on July 21, 2018. The procession of the couple's proposal brings the modern Javanese customs.
Asked about the preparation of the application with Baim Wong, Paula Verhoeven said that everything had gone wrong.
Baim Wong and Paula Verhoeven. (Seno / tabloidbintang.com)
"Everything is waiting, I'm waiting (over) the day." More in modern Java (In the proposal) there is a traditional joglo, the epic really .. Then there is the ceremony ", says Paula Verhoeven Found in Bendungan Hilir, Jakarta, Tuesday 17 July 7.
Applying and Getting Married, Paula Verhoeven praying that Baim Wong be the best friend God has prepared. 19659002] "I pray again, now I am resigned", said Paula Verhoeven
(man / bin)
Author Abdul Rahman Syaukani
Publisher Binsar Hutapea
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