Baim Wong selectively values ​​women candidates: if it is appropriate, the path will be easy

[ad_1] – The News of Engagement Baim Wong and Paula Verhoeven was indeed surprising to many parties. The reason is that these two lovebirds have known each other since March 2018. Despite her impression, Paula seems to have already accepted the proposal of her lover.

"Yes, it takes a process, just yet, I pray, I'm just resigned," said Paula Verhoeven, found in Benhil, Central Jakarta, Tuesday (17/7)

According to Paula, the figure of the ideal man who has been sought after does indeed exist in Baim. Therefore, it did not take long to think since Baim expressed his seriousness. Paula admits that she's not looking for a man who just plays games.

  Paula looks to admire the funny and loving figure of Baim Wong. © Apriyanto Paula seems to admire the funny and loving silhouette of Baim Wong. © Apriyanto

"Yes, he is funny, compbadionate too, although sometimes he forgets the attention but the baseball nothing anyway," adds Paula.

Previously, Baim Wong actually had the status of unmarried president because of never been married. Had apparently been close to some women, Baim Wong's relationship is effectively stranded in the middle of the road. At the age of 37, Baim Wong does not have a headache when he is judged too selective by the netizens

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