Bald head, Deddy Corbuzier feeling honored posed these two actors


TABLOIDBINTANG.COM – If at the beginning of his career Deddy Corbuzier maintains his appearance with long hair, the ex-husband of Kalina Oktarani chooses to appear bald.

Because of this performance, many people equate Deddy Corbuzier with two actors, Dwayney Johnson and Indro Warkop. This is said by the father of one of these children by uploading his Instagram account, Friday (6/7).

"I do not share the same name @ theock @ indrowarkop_asli … Gara bald … gede bad … The eyebrows up 25 years ago … did we write three of them yes, writes Deddy Corbuzier in the explanation of the uploader who juxtaposes his photo with Dwayney and Indro.

However, Deddy Corbuzier feels proud of both actors that he consider as legend.

"Ya lah lah .. It's like a pleasure to be compared to the legend … Compared to Upin Ipin .. Always healthy Om Indro .. And Dwayne .. Damn ur BIG! ….. this .. is a spoiler .. maybe we make a movie …. THE LAST SERIOUS, "close Deddy Corbuzier.

This download also stole the attention of Most of them also mention that all three are similar.Not only the netizens, this download is also commented on Indro Warkop.indro expressed gratitude for the prayer that Deddy Corbuzier wrote for him [19659002] "Hahaha … Enjoy Ded aja .. thanks for the prayer .. the same prayer for deddy .. do not stop working .. because our breath is our work", commented Indro Warkop

(dika / ray)

Author Christiya Dika Handayani

edited by Panditio Rayendra

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