Bank BTPN Deli Serdang stolen, Rp 148 million missing

[ad_1] – The armed robbery takes place at BTPN Bank of Purna Bakti Tembung, Medan-Batang Quiz Road, Bandar Khalipah, Percut Sei Tuan, Deli Serdang, North Sumatra, Tuesday (10/7). The authors steal crates containing about 148 million US dollars

According to the information collected, the theft occurred around 8:20 am. At that time, at the Bank's BTPN, there was only a cashier and a security guard.

About 20 minutes earlier, they received a box containing about 148 million rupees. The money was sent by BTPN Purna Bakti Medan Bureau, Jalan Putri Hijau

Suddenly, a man entered the bank and pointed a gun-shaped object at the guard and at the box. Both are helpless when the abuser takes boxes containing money. After having managed the action inside the bank, the aggressor came out of the bank and escaped by car

"I see the three people who were entering a car, some wearing a hat and a coat. The car is black, either Avanza or Xenia, "says Mulia Rizky (18), a resident of the scene.

As soon as the executioners ran away, screams broke out inside the bank. "Initially, I did not know what happened inside.No sound of weapons After the man left a scream, just discovered an incident," said Mulia.

The robbery was later reported to the police. It was not long ago that police Perci Sei Tuan and Polrestabes Medan arrived at the scene. They set up police lines and conducted investigations.

The criminal investigation unit Polrestabes AKBP Putu Yudha Prawira said that the case of theft was still under investigation. "So it is true today that the BTPN bank is taking the money, the fund is investigating to catch the culprit," Putu said.

He explained that the author carried a gun-shaped object to threaten the guardian and the cashier. "But we can not be sure that it's about real guns or toys," Putu said (19659003). Meanwhile, Percut police chief Sei Tuan Kompol Faidil Zikri explained that they were still collecting witnesses and evidence. "The loss is of the order of 148 million rupees," he declared

. According to some allegations, the author would have learned the procedure of work at the bank BTPN PP, which is the point of payment. This office does not perform daily transactions. "The bank only works 10 days to 13 days a month," says Faidil.

The police are still investigating the scene. They interviewed a number of residents and collected CCTV records around the site. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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