Basarnas extends search time for victims KM Sinar Bangun – VIVA


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VIVA – The search and evacuation of the victims of the Sinar Bangun Motor Vessel ended on Wednesday, June 27, 2018. However, Basarnas has continued its search and evacuation, from today until the next day. to Saturday, June 30, 2018.

"This is the second renewal process, it is the 11th day of research, the extension operation was done yesterday at 18:00 .Basarnas chief, Muhammad Syaugi pronounced the second extension from June 28 to 30, "said Medan Budiawan SAR chief. reporter Thursday afternoon, June 28, 2018.

The addition of search days for victims of Sinar Bangun Motor Vessel, according to Budiawan, to maximize the process of seeking victims. He said that he would mobilize all the tools that Basarnas had to search for this victim.

On this day, Basarnas has constraints with the bad weather factor. Meanwhile, Budiawan said the search started at 6:00 am, and bad weather arrived at 8:00.

"It was bad weather, until noon the weather was good, we did a search using the tool Remote controlled vehicle (ROV), "said Budiawan.

For the moment, the victim who was evacuated and saved was 21 people, three people died. Then another 155 are still missing. For pbadenger data in accordance with the antemortem data received by the police team DVI North Sumatera up to 125 people.

In this case, the police of North Sumatra also identified four suspects, namely the captain of the motor ship Sinar Bangun, Poltak Soritua Sagala, and the head of the port of Simanindo, Regency of Samosir, Golpa F Putra.

Then, Samosir district chief (ASDP), Rihad Sitanggang and Kapos port members of Simanindo, Karnilan Sitanggang.

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