Be yourself in a movie Ugly Bodyguard, Syahrini do not memorize the script


TABLOIDBINTANG.COM – In the film Ugly Bodyguard Syahrini acts as himself, a first-clbad celebrity with a very eventful activity. Syahrini admits a lot of improvisation because no memorized scenarios.

"Dizzy (read scenario), I'm not a movie buff," said Syahrini at a press conference after the premiere of the film Ugal Bodyguard at CGV Grand Indonesia, Thamrin, Central Jakarta, Friday (30/6).

During the filming of the director, Irham Acho Bahtiat also did not Syahrini in terms of dialogue to be more natural. The scene and the Syahrini language in the film are usually done in everyday life.

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His interaction with Nina the manager (Ririn Ekawati) in the film, according to Syahrini is more or less the same as it was with his manager, his younger brother Rani.

"Not kidnapped, there is really little play, how in prison, confined, cold, but still spoiled too," said Syahrini with his distinctive style

Bodyguard Ugal July 5 2018 tells the life of Syahrini a singer who receives threats from a stranger who then uses the escort services of his comrade Erin (Tamara Bleszynski) who has a security leasing service . singers include Boris (Boris Bokir), Acho (Muhadkly Acho), Lolox (Lolox), Anyun (Anyun Cadel) and Jessica (Melayu Nicole).

(pri / wida)

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