Becoming a wife Dimas Anggara, that's what Nadine Chandrawinata feels


TABLOIDBINTANG.COM Nadine Chandrawinata enjoys the time of the newlyweds with Dimas Anggara. Nadine Chandrawinata says nothing has changed since her life. It just feels good to be the wife of Dimas Anggara

"Because it is so, when you get married and you find some one of good, you will feel lighter, fun and fun, "says Nadine Chadrawinata at Kota Kasablanka, South Jakarta, Thursday (19/7).

According to Nadine Chandrawinata, another case if she already has a baby. Despite his new responsibilities in caring for the child, he believes that his life always feels good.

<img src = "" alt = "Nadine Chandrawinata and Dimas Anggara. & Nbsp; (Seno / )

"If you have children it will be different, complicated, it must be fun, because all become partners," adds Nadine Chandrawinata.

Meanwhile Nadine Chandrawinata and Dimas Anggara could not do of darling month, because of the bustle in which they live.While both are still looking for the right moment to pbad the moment.

"We must first work on some projects, but we are always looking for the right moment, yes, we must refresh, "he says.

Nadine Chandrawinata and Dimas Anggara were married in Bhutan on May 5, 2018. They both organized a reception at Sire Beach, Lombok, on Saturday July 7th, 2028. The second reception took place in Marina Batavia , Sunda Kelapa, North Jakarta, July 15th. 2018.

(tov / bin)

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