Better mana, Momo or new Geisha singer? – VIVA


VIVA – In recent times, news of Momo's departure as singer from the Geisha band has been discussed. The news of Momo's departure was reinforced when Geisha's official Instagram account published two days ago a photo of Geisha's new singer Regina Poetiray

Rian D & # 39; MASIV, one of her professional colleagues, knows already the departure of Momo.

"If we are still because from the inside you certainly know the news, but again it's a decision of the group (Geisha)," said Rian at a meeting in Central Region of Jakarta, Friday, July 13, 2018. [19659004] Since he has not seen him for a long time, Rian says that he does not know how long Momo left Geisha. Reason because Momo is married and family, mentioned Rian became one of the reasons Momo left Geisha.

Currently, the position of the new singer Geisha has been filled by the talent search event of dropouts named Regina Poetiray. According to Rian, one can not compare the two and choose who is the best, because Momo and Regina have different styles of singing

"In fact, if the bargain is relative yes, if replacing Momo is definitely different. So, Regina sings with a different style, "said Rian.

Although left by the singer, Rian always happy because the group Geisha because he is still creative. The decision to leave Momo, says Rian, is not a decision considered for a moment

"It's fine when there is something that they do, it's a decision thoughtful, not a momentary decision (Momo's decision) ". ] [ad_2]
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