Bitbox, cryptocurrency line exchange service

[ad_1] Jakarta – Coinciding with the title of the 2018 Line Conference held at Maihama Amphitheater, Tokyo, Japan, Line officially announced its crypto-currency exchange service called BitBox.

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"With Bitboxes, Line users can easily access cryptocurrency, but also protected by the latest security systems to protect their badets" said Idezawa Takeshi, CEO of Line Corporation. ]

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This Bitbox service will provide more than 30 popular crypto-currencies to users around the world (except Japan and the United States), and provides approximately 15 different languages. [19659004BitboxéchangeraunevariétédepiècesnumériquespopulairestellesqueBitcoinEthereumBitcoinCashetLitecoinetoffriradesfraisdechangepeuélevésgros01pourcentLespiècesdisponiblesontfaitl'objetdesélectionsstrictesdel'équipeBitboxsélectionnéeparlecomitéinternepouroffrirunéchangedecrypto-monnaiefiableetsûrpourlesutilisateurs[YahooMessenger] Finally, after 20 years

For security companies, Line is also committed to protecting its user data, while bringing a reliable security system to all forms of cryptocurrency exchange.

"As part of our new Financial Line service, Bitbox is committed to meeting the high demand," concludes Takeshi

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