BKIPM Aceh Urges Residents to Deliver Dangerous Fish Collection, Including Arapaima


Merdeka.com – Fish Quarantine Agency, Quality Control and Fishery Products Safety (BKIPM) Aceh opened a dangerous fishing station or Invasiv at the BKIPM Aceh office, Jalan Blok Bintang Airport , Aceh Besar. This is due to the emergence of Arapaima Gigas fish phenomenon in Indonesia

"This is in accordance with the instruction of the head of the BKIPM through the letter of the head of the BKIPM number 636 / BKIPM / VI / 2018 of 29 June 2018 concerning the Dangerous Fishing Post or Invasiv BKIPM after the island of Java thrown with information from the community, where the release of Arapaima Gigas fish in the waters of the Brantas River ", said the head of the control and control of information (Wasdalin) BKIPM Aceh Hudaibiya Al Faruqie in a statement written Sunday. 1/7).

According to him, the head of BKIPM Rina has instructed all UPT BKIPM and its work areas across Indonesia to open a dangerous fish delivery post from the community. This post is open from July 1 to July 31, 2018.

It ensures that people voluntarily submit this dangerous collection of fish, BKIPM guarantees that no action will be taken. However, if until the deadline specified by the community ignoring this call, BKIPM officers and officers of PSDKP and BKSDA Aceh will conduct a joint operation to raid places that would maintain these dangerous fishes

"If found, the owner must be treated in accordance with law number 31 year 2004 which was amended in law number 45 year 2009 About fishing Article 12 paragraph 2 Any person is forbidden to grow fish that harm fishery resources, to fishery resources and the environment "

While the criminal threat is listed in Article 86, paragraph 2 which is a maximum imprisonment of 6 years and a fine of 1.5 billion Rp.

In the opening of this position BKIPM Aceh involving related stakeholders, among others the Office of Marine and Fisheries Province of Aceh, Mar Resource Control Base ines and halieutics Aceh and BKSDA Aceh.

Prohibition of pem pemangan Dangerous fish species have existed since 1982 by Decree of the Minister of Agriculture No. 179 of 1982, Regulation of the Minister of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Number 17 of 2009 and has been revised by Regulation of the Minister of Marine and Fisheries No. 41 of 2014.

Type of Arapaima Gigas reportedly released in the Brantas River before entering Indonesia before 2014, because the type of Arapaima Gigas is entered the kind of dangerous fish that is banned from entering Indonesia since the issue of Candy KP number 41 in 2014.

In the current international trade Arapaima Gigas in Appendix II means that It can be exchanged with the quotas established by the appropriate agencies, and in Indonesia the agency is the authority of the Ministry of Forests and Environment (KLHK).

There are 151 species of dangerous fish in candidate KP no. BKIPM Aceh will cooperate with DKP Aceh, PSDKP Aceh and BKSDA Aceh to conduct joint operations in all corners of Aceh, though until 31 July 2018 there is no company willingly willing the Dangerous fish for the conservation biological power of the Aceh fishery. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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