BKSDA announces anarchist action Sorong Sorong kills hundreds of crocodiles: Okezone News


SORONG – The KSDA Central Office in West Papua regretted the mbadacre of 292 crocodiles in VC crocodile farming. Mitra Lestari Abadi. Because the killing of hundreds of animals causing the death of the inhabitants of Sugito SP 1 is a type of protected animals.

BBKSDA head of West Papua, R. Basar Manullang said Okezone explained that captivity is one of the crocodiles in the province of West Papua.

The crocodile is a protected animal based on the PP. 7 of 1999 on the preservation of plant and animal species. However, specifically in Papua, crocodiles fall into the category of hunting animals and can be used with special arrangements. CV MLA is an authorized breeder who has a breeding license in accordance with the Decree of the Director General of the PHKA number: SK.264 / IV-SET / 2013 of 9 December 2013 on the extension of the license of the breed. crocodile culture of freshwater (19459015) crocodilus novaeguineae ) and Crocodile Buaya ( crocodyllus porossus ) to which is reserved the law on the CV. Deputy

Manullang further explains that the owner of the captive breeding has obtained the captive breeding license of the PHKA Chief Executive Officer on the basis of the satisfied requirements of the regional government, such as SITU, the certificate location does not interfere with the human environment as stipulated in ministerial regulation Forest Number P.19 / Menhut-II / 2005 of July 19, 2005 on the Reproduction of Plants and Wild Animals.

  Photo: Ist

But in this case, according to Manullang, tells the chronology of the incident, at that time the victim named Sugito entered a breeding area to forage near or around the crown of the crocodile at the The owner's knowledge. "While the crocodile breeding area is far from the community colonies," he said.

One of the guards heard the cry of distress and rushed to the source of the sound coming from the crocodile's crown. "The employees immediately shouted for help and heard from some people who were cultivating around the place of captivity," Manullang said.

He immediately acted to evacuate the victims of the crocodile pool and coordinate with the Klamalu community and police. "BBKSDA West Papua and management provided an explanation to Klamalu's insider-related police," he said.

The two men also facilitated a meeting between the families of the victims, accompanied by the harmony of the Banyuwangi (Ikawangi) family and the company that concluded a mutual peace agreement, and compensated before the funeral of the corpse.

However, on Saturday (14/18) before the burial of the corpse, President Ikawangi called on the mourners' community to remain calm and not to provoke anarchist actions and requested that the the case is resolved peacefully. "After the funeral, around 11:15 am, the community was unexpectedly heading towards the captive site with pointed weapons, breakers, wooden blocks and shovels, and among the crowds it was identified that 39, one of the public officials of Kabupaten Sorong, "said Manulang

To solve this case, Manullang expects all parties involved to coordinate well. "This is not the time to criticize the agencies involved, but the key is how this case can be resolved in court and the rights of citizens protected by the state." To avoid this recurrence The holder of a breeding license must take care and safety strictly in a breeding pond.In case of wildlife related problems, please go to the BBKSDA West Papua Call Center (081148500040). The Natural Resources and Ecosystem Conservation Branch will conduct a thorough evaluation of the Resume and after the incident, its side and the Klamalu Police have taken action, identified and counted the number of dead crocodiles for the next process.He and the police will coordinate the incident. "For all parties, we invite mutual cooperation to do something peacefully, and not to do anarchism (murder ). Crocodiles are also creatures of God's creatures who need to be protected, "please Manullang.

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