Body signs and symptoms of vitamin D deficiency


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – Vitamin D plays an important role throughout the body. Unlike other vitamins, vitamin D functions as a hormone for all cells in the body. Vitamin D deficiency can cause signs and symptoms that can be fatal.

Vitamin D is one of the vitamins obtained during the production process in the body. This vitamin is made from cholesterol when the body is exposed to the sun. Some foods such as fish fat and dairy products also contain vitamin D.

Vitamin D deficiency is now a common problem. It is estimated that about 1 billion people in the world have low levels of vitamin D in the blood.

The following signs and symptoms that appear on the body when a vitamin D deficiency

1. Bone and back pain
Vitamin D is a vitamin that helps maintain healthy bones. Vitamin D helps to increase the absorption of calcium in the body. A pain in the bones and back can be a sign of lack of vitamin D intake.

City of Health Linethe study found that there is a link between vitamin D deficiency and back pain in more than 9,000 women.

2. Bone loss
In addition to bone pain, porous bones are also a marker of the lack of vitamin D in the body. These nutrients play an important role in the absorption of calcium and bone metabolism.

Bone loss is an indication of bone loss of calcium and other minerals. Porous bones, if not controlled, can increase the risk of fractures.

3. The wound is difficult to heal
The long process of healing wounds after an injury or surgery is a sign of vitamin D deficiency. This vitamin helps to increase the production of very important compounds for the formation of a new skin during the healing process.

Vitamin D also plays a role in the fight against inflammation and infections during wound healing.

4. Often sick
Vitamin D boosts the immune system so that it can fight off viruses and bacteria that cause diseases in the body.

Vitamin D deficiency can be one of the factors causing colds and fever. Some studies have also shown a link between vitamin D deficiency and respiratory tract infections such as colds, bronchitis and pneumonia.

5. Hair loss
Hair loss is not just a symptom of stress. Several studies have linked hair loss due to vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D deficiency is badociated with alopecia areata which is the cause of hair loss.

In addition, in a case study, the application of vitamin D has been shown to be able to treat hair loss in boys. (PTJ / CHS)

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