Born in Bandung, DJ Winky is afraid to use Sundanese


After having emptied the big screen, the musician Winky Wiryawan or familiarly called DJ Winky plunges back into the world of the game. This time, DJ Winky was involved in the last film directed by Uli Rahman, entitled ROCKER BALIK KAMPUNG .

DJ Winky said, the gap of the big screen movie is not an offer. However, because of his activity in the world of music. According to the 39-year-old man, the schedule of concerts as a DJ is so solid. This is what rarely makes the rare films of DJ Winky.

"Gue four to five years already does not play movies. Art honestly a lot of emang who is not a buddy, because the buddy is not in the times so .. to music and also to my DJ schedule, "said DJ Winky in Kemang, South Jakarta, Thursday (5/7/2018).

" Alhamdulillah until now full hold, can be said of day of the week I do not propose my film play as well in the form of shot saw faced, "he continued

Bandung-born DJ rate, for some years the development of electronic music is growing, he said, because of the musical development that DJ Winky's program is very strong.

  Winky is the bestseller as a DJ © / Bayu Herdianto Winky is the best -seller as a DJ © / Bayu Herdianto

"In the old days, the time of the film's rapid adaptation, the preparation Ation is much longer, for example 5 months earlier to set up a good schedule, whereas now I see the industry tightening up, better it is, but the criteria are tighter. Well, it's not possible because three months before my DJ schedule is already filled, that's the problem.

DJ Winky's return to the world of cinema would need to be readjusted. Moreover, the distance of the empty time in the world of the film is not short. Therefore, to play the Movie Rocker at home this Kampung he needs to adapt again.

However, this is not a problem for DJ Winky. What he feared was the role he played as Joe Santani. A rocker who must master the Sundanese language

"I have to worry about this gini, the rigid problem can still be learned in reading, only the desperation, because it is the language of Sunda nih movie . " in Bandung, continues to adapt to the Sundanese language in different languages, so Sundanese Sukabumi is the same as different, the intonation behind it is different, "he said

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