Borrow the identity of Apple, Instagram Develop tracking activity features


TEMPO.CO San Francisco – Instagram mimics the new feature of Apple, the Screen Time, which measures the time spent using a device in a day

Read: Instagram Remove Screenshot Stories, Focus on Video Features
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Reports Based on APK Code in Android for Instagram app, the feature will be called "Usage Insights" which will show how Often users access the application in a day, as shown on the Phone Arena page.

Features Using Instagram Instights. Credit: Techcrunch

Similar to a YouTube reminder, Instagram will notify you if the user has used the app within the allotted time.

This time restriction notification should help users to use Instagram wisely. This feature is planned on the next profile page to access "Usage Insights".

The popularity of "healthy surfing" has increased since major global technology companies, like Google, have begun to embrace this movement. – Popular apps should use this feature to let users know the limits when they use the Internet on their mobile phone.

See other articles on Instagram on the Tekno channel


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