Boyzone will hold a Parting concert in Surabaya


Boyzone releases his latest career travel album this year

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, SURABAYA – Boyband or Pop Group with Irish boys Boyzone will hold a farewell concert in Surabaya , East Java, August 23.

"Boyzone 25 Years Farewell Concert" was to take place at the Dyandra Convention Center on Jalan Basuki Rahmat Surabaya, "said Promoter Hendra Hermansyah of Star Media Nusantara at press conference in Surabaya on Wednesday (4/7).

Boyzone was formed in 1993. Originally Keith Duffy, Stephen Gately, Mikey Graham, Ronan Keating, and Shane Lynch.In 2009, Stephen Gately died from a heart disease.

The remaining five limbs still exist catapulted Boyzone's name into the world music scene, among which created the song hits, as "No Matter What ", "Love me for a reason" and "Every day I love you"

This year, they made an album that was declared as ending their career, "1945-19008" "I can dream"

"Before parting, Boyzone organized a concert of god in many countries, that many fans found wrong. (19659004) The price of the farewell concert tickets from Boyzone to Surabaya is the least good clbad "Presale Festival for Rp 550 thousand.The most expensive clbad of" Diamond VVIP "for 1 , 9 million

Hendra pointed out that the last Boyzone concert in Indonesia was held in Jakarta in 2015. It was rated as successful with all tickets sold.

"While in Surabaya, Boyzone Also held concert in 1998. It is therefore the second concert in Surabaya, and the last one in Indonesia. "

The holding of the farewell concert from Boyzone to Surabaya was facilitated by " Event Organizer " or Event Organizer " MHP Production ". "We have co-ordinated with Polrestabes Surabaya for the security of Boyzone's farewell concert in Surabaya and we have also deployed our internal security personnel to badist in security," said Eric Sugiono, organizer of MHP Production. (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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