Brazil vs Mexico – Juan Carlos Osorio: Neymar Embarrassing for football!


Juan Carlos Osorio criticizes Neymar who is considered exaggerating during the incident in the second round against Mexico.

Mexican coach Juan Carlos Osorio can not criticize Neymar who is considered "lebay" when he is violated. He even described the Brazilian star as embarrbading for football.

Neymar himself played for Brazil in a 2-0 win over Mexico in the last round of the 2018 World Cup last night (2/7). scored a goal and a badist .

However, Neymar actually attracted attention after overreacting to Miguel Layun's injuries that led to his ankle in the second half, and the incident was unfortunate.

"I think [Neymar] that it's a shame for football," Osorio said after the match. "We lost a lot of time because of a player.We lost our style in the second half, also because of the referee.

" This is a very bad example for the world and especially for the world of football. "

Osorio hopes to see his players try the leagues in Europe

" We want our players to play in Europe so that they can fight each week against the best players of the world, and that our national team can improve, "he said.
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