Broken husband from abroad to support, Nadia Vega Terharu

[ad_1] Nadia Vega is a hardworking woman with a lot of talent and a great entrepreneurial spirit. In addition to being an actress in the entertainment world as an actress and DJ, the wife of Jorik Dozy has just launched the Vega Organics product on Friday (29/06/2018) which appears to be a new activity.

In this launch, Nadia accompanied her husband to leave the agitation to support his wife. It's unique that Jorik shows up without telling Nadia who is happy to see the husband's presence even for a moment.

"It will stay here it is only today doang.Tomorok will come back home, but it will be fine I live here I do not know if it can come because I know that & # 39; It's really hard to plan a vacation so suddenly it says, " Hey, I'm already in Jakarta." Yes, I "Nadia was delighted with her husband's surprise © / Budy Santoso "width =" 670 "/> Nadia is delighted by her husband's surprise ©® / Budy Santoso

Nadia and Jorik are couples who have a lot of activity, but they have a way Arrange the time to get together. "I should be the one who lost it, for example if I spilled it, he said" Ok, come home & # 39; And that day he even brought his work, And he is also my family. I also have my family coming, "Nadia said.

The presence of this Joric is indeed very important for Nadia. It was he who encouraged his wife to not give up what became his dream.

" It's a very long process, so much work and love, so he can not give up You have to do it (He already said if you want to give up This process is very long, a lot of hard work Love, search for five years, so you can not give up, you have to do this), "said Jorik encouraging his wife.

So sweet!

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