Brother Sister Tasya Kamila Prospective Highlights, See 5 Photos Talita Bachtiar Like Traveling


TRIBUNTRAVEL.COM – The former little singer Tasya Kamila held an engagement with her lover Randi Bachtiar on Sunday (1/7/2018).

Reported by of, the event was held in private

"Tasya Kamila and Randi W. Bachtiar were officially engaged on Sunday, July 1, 2018. The process of request was held privately with the presence of family and close friends of both partners " received in

In the photos that circulated, Tasya is gorgeous with the makeup artist of the # Alfian Dome.

Tasya and Randi also seem compact with brown undertones.

Tasya and Randi in the spotlight, Talita Bachtiar, Randi's sister, also managed to divert the attention of the citizen

Talita seems to be present in the middle of the family in the event .

According to the watch, Talita is legal Abat of the country's singer, Isyana Sarasvati.

This is evident from some Talita downloads sharing on Instagram @talitawb's social media account.

brother, Talita is also handsome with a matching kebaya with Tasya and mom.

Curious about the figure of Talita, yuk peep 5 portrait of this future brother-in-law of Tasya Kamila.

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This article was diffused on with the title of 5 Portrait of the beautiful Talita Bachtiar, prospective sister Ipar Tasya Kamila Also friends Isyana Sarasvati

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