"Bug" on Samsung Cell phone Send photo to contact randomly


KOMPAS.com –

Bug or programming slot in the Samsung mobile phone makes the default email application "Messages" automatically send photos to random user contacts. It is reported users via online Samsung official forum and Reddit.

This incident is experienced by some users, including those using new Samsung models, such as Galaxy Note 8 and Galaxy S9.

A user confesses that the strange bug not only sends a photo but all photos from his gallery to a contact, without even realizing it. Fortunately, the contact was other than his own close friend.

It is difficult to imagine if the photos were sent to colleagues, bosses or customers. Do not mention if the photos are very personal.

Most worried, the photos were sent automatically, leaving no trace on the phone of the user (the sender). The recipient must signal to the user that this incident must be known.

See also: Bug found in MIUI Xiaomi, The data on the mobile phone can flee

Users speculate, bug is due to the interaction between Samsung Messages with bet profile update (RCS) with the US telecommunications operator T-Mobile.

The goal of RCS was to incorporate new features, such as a better experience when sharing visual content, typing indicators and the overall interface. This is hastily refused by T-Mobile.

"This is not a T-Mobile issue," said his spokesman, as compiled KompasTekno of Gizmodo .

talked about the incident that hit a handful of users. Although not yet able to provide a definitive answer, the South Korean manufacturer claimed to investigate this issue.

"We know the user's complaints about this, our technical team is checking what's going on," said a Samsung spokesman.

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