Burmese politician from Malaysian UMNO arrested in Indonesia


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – The former Malaysian leader of the Malaysian National Organization (UMNO), who is wanted in his country, was arrested and detained in Indonesia

Jamal Yunos (48) UMNO Youth leader of the Sungai Besar branch Malaysian fugitive police. He became a fugitive for a number of cases. One of them broke bottles of alcohol at a beer party at Selangor on October 5,

"It was said that" I have not been to any of them. At 18:15 (Indonesian time) the Indonesian police arrested Jamal, "said Malaysian Interior Minister Muhyiddin Ybadin. The Star Tuesday (3/7).

He added that the Malaysian police had been contacted to extradite Jamal, who is known as the leader of the group of red shirts. Unlike similar movements in Thailand, the Red Shirts in Malaysia support former Prime Minister Najib Razak

Several other cases of Jamal's harbadment constitute a violation of the Malaysian Weapons Act

. Ampang Puteri Hospital on May 25th. He escaped after being declared defendant.

The arrest warrant against Jamal was issued on June 1 on charges of evasion or denial of custody.

On June 5, Jamal claimed that he was still in Malaysia. 19659002] In the last video clip released last June 22, Jamal who was arguing for the position of youth leader of UMNO said that he was still in Malaysia. He eventually lost the elections won by Umno Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki, a member of the Supreme Council. (nat)

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