Buru students and catching actors motorcycle friends Begal


TEMPO.CO, South Tangerang – The Serpong police, south of Tangerang, received a suspect's handover to a group of students. Dayat, 21, the suspect, was arrested after being hunted down and surrounded by seven students and society.

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"We are informed that the perpetrators of the robbery were violently harbaded at Kampung Ciater Tengah, Ciater village, Serpong sub-district, "said Serpong Police Chief Commissioner, Dedy Kurniawan, Friday, July 27, 2018.

Dedy explained, Dayat is a suspected member of the flight plotters a unit of Motorcycle type Honda Supra Fit red and silver and a mobile phone unit. Dayat had tried to attack another motorcycle but he had failed.

"The second victim dropped his bike and took the key so that the offender would not bring the bike and chose to run away," Dedy said.

Dedy adds that Dayat still carries a knife and uses it to threaten each victim. This is the same as told by Habib Maulana, a student of SMK Negeri 1 Tangerang Selatan, who almost became a victim of Dayat.

Habib is a motorist who dropped the bike and removed the key when he was about to be arrested by Dayat and his gang. Habib revealed to meet with Dayat in a store in Ciater, South Tangerang, Thursday, July 26, 2018. From here begins the story of the hunt by the students.

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Habib shares his meeting information at the WhatsApp conversation group he and his friends. Habib preaches to recognize the suspect not only of the face but also of the motorcycle used during the hijacking of the Honda Legend without spakbor.

In total, seven people from the conversation group approached the shop in question and correctly found the qualified person of Dayat. "When we approached him, we scolded him by pointing a knife and running away," said Fauzan, one of the students who sued Dayat.

Dayat, allegedly bombarding Habib, said he had fled into the colony. "We are pursuing and shouting thieves, so the residents are coming out too," added Fauzi

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