Called "Stupid" by Iis Dahlia This Fatin achievement line Shidqia Lubis


BANGKAPOS.COM – Unpardonable Iis Dahlia Pedangdut commented on the young singer Fatin Shidqia joined the viral video Hearing Waode Sofia, one of the candidate candidates KDI.

Previously, Iis Dahlia openly insulted Fatin as Fool. 19659002] He considers that Fatin should not have commented so far and must watch the video intact.

He said that if the video was already cut.

  Iis Dahlia
Iis Dahlia (collage / instagram)

Waode said the full video, Waode does not seem ready for the audition because of the makeup and the costume left behind him

Waode was then asked to go home and re-audition when he was ready, not officially published

concerned that if a layman could comment like that because it is a layman.


There is a singer whose name is Fatin whom I know that he is also a child of the MNC group, he is famous for research talented event also commented without looking at the full video as a whole (19459014)

Lo dibesarin of the same media, you do not look, just said – he kept the comment, who are you? " Iis Dahlia said when we contacted her by phone on Friday (19/9/2010)

Even Iis calls Fatin also rude.

Read: Always look stylish here Nia Ramadhani appearance without makeup, look at his pictures

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