JawaPos.com – After introducing the singer Raisa during her engagement, the couple who was viral made the conversation, Jusup Maruta Cahyadi and Clarissa Wang will bring British singers, Calum Scott, as performers at their wedding which will will be held at Mulia Hotel & Resort, Nusa Dua, Bali on December 1st, 2018.
However, the Jawa Pos Radar Bali source said that at a closed and at the same time the most luxurious wedding party in Indonesia, it would also feature other foreign artists, namely Michael Learns to Rock (MLTR) .
"Foreign artists who are carry out there is MLTR. Then there is someone who sings You are the reason and Indonesian singer Idol, "said the source, reported by Radar Bali, Thursday (11/29).
Calum Scott – You are the reason (Official)
(YouTube / Calum Scott)
According to schedule, the MLTR and Calum Scott are currently touring Asia. On December 2, Calum Scott is scheduled to perform in Balai Kartini, Jakarta. Meanwhile, the MLTR will perform at Indoor Tennis Senayan, Jakarta, on December 11th.
It is common knowledge that the Surabaya wedding party, dubbed "Crazy Rich Surabayan", will be held in a five-star luxury hotel. Precisely at the Grand Ballroom at Mulia Hotel & Resort, Nusa Dua, Bali, December 1st, 2018.
Not only in the luxury hotels, at the reception they will invite about 5,000 special invitations without receiving angpao. No less excited, at his wedding later, guests will receive Jaguar door prices. As well as gold memorabilia of 3, 5 and 10 grams for all guests.
(jpg / JPC)
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