Can Hacking Threat, KPU IT Consultant requested a report to Bareskrim


JAKARTA, – Police asked the computer consultant KPU (Electoral Commission) who became a victim of hacking report to the criminal investigation of the police (Bareskrim). In addition to the hacking effort, the consultant also suffered missed call on several occasions.

In connection with this, Setyo Wasisto, head of the police's public relations division, said the consultant could report to Bareskrim. After that, the police will look for the perpetrators

"I have already said, report it to Bareskrim, we will find," said Setyo at the police headquarters in Jakarta, Friday (29/6/2018) .

See also: Menkominfo React to the case Misscall Terror Computer Consultant KPU

If she does not find the identity of the author, the police will ask for the 39, Interpol badistance. Therefore, the police cooperate with 193 member countries of Interpol, so the case can be revealed quickly

"The number is already taken, we will ask for help," said Setyo.

IT consultant KPU, Harry Sufehmi, attacked missed appeal unknown number barrage. This misfortune lasted on Wednesday night (27/06/2018), around 24:00

"It's hard to contact me today, sorry because I have hundreds misscall per hour of the number (19659009) KPU computer consultant, Harry Sufehmi, failed to call terror and the threat of account hoax via SMS, after the elections simultaneously. "/> Harry Sufehmi KPU IT Consultant, Harry Sufehmi, gets missed calling the terror and hacking account threats via SMS, post-election simultaneously.

Not only that, Harry also mentioned that there are hackers who have tried to break his Telegram account

Dozens of hours have been terrorized by SMS authentication of Telegram and hundreds missed the call an hour, Harry confessed to hacking threats.

Around 12:00, he received SMS authentication Wha tsApp

See also: Post-election, computer consultant KPU attacked misscall and hacking experience

Previously, the Minister Communications and Information Technology (Menkominfo) Rudiantara said that the incident was still unclear. 19659002] Kominfo also can not confirm the invasion of misscall and hacking experiments that attack Harry Sufehmi and others in cyber security (19459005) or telecommunication problems (19459005) . ] It should be noted that Harry Sufehmi is a KPU computer consultant for the 2019 presidential election, not the 2018 elections. It is unclear whether there is a correlation between the incidents that occurred. he has known and the recent elections of 2018.

Harry Sufehmi says that there are hundreds of +100 numbers trying to reach it every hour. As a result, he downloaded the application "Truecaller" to block the numbers.