Can Nyinyiran of Netizen, Hilda gives threats


  Netizen's Can Nyinyiran, Hilda Threatening Threats - JPNN.COM JAKARTA – Hilda Vitria often becomes aware that her problem with Kriss Hatta and her relationship with Billy Syahputra is unresolved.

Whatever he does, including in social media, he always collects the answers, some are positive and vice versa.

The netizen said, Hilda could not go abroad if she did not go out with Billy.

"Hahaaayy if it does not involve the same Billy can not hide the ngerasain from overseas. As a handsome, aq willing aq rela aq relaaaaaaaaaaaa also bini gatelllll nemplok bujang," wrote netizen .

Get this comment, Hilda looks at the emotion, he then gave a stern warning to internet users if they do not want to be jailed in the future.

"Mba is my same problem, or maybe I'm looking for the same problem, I do not know because I know him," he said.

"Do not let me know who I am? It's easy to discover you and your family.Soft sophisticated technology.Be careful if the comment, if your money is not enough to pay the bars only macem- macem, "he said. (zul / pojoksatu / jpnn)

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