Can shock the answer, Ayu Ting Ting explains the reasons to invite Shahrukh Khan Nikah


  Perhaps a shocking answer, Ayu Ting Ting explains the reasons for inviting Shahrukh Khan Nikah

Thanks to Instagram Story feature some time ago, Ayu asked a question to fashion and invited Shahrukh Khan to marry him. WowKeren –
As a pedangdut, Ayu Ting Ting is known to be fond of Indian movies and series. On several occasions, the swordsman, often paired with Ivan Gunawan also often sings songs or songs from Indian films.

Some time ago, Ayu was caught sending a surprising question to the idol, namely Shahrukh Khan . The question is given Ayu through the latest features of Instagram.

In Instagram reports uploaded by the mother of a child, he asked if Shahrukh Khan had married him. " Will you marry me sir?" Wrote Ayu.

Unexpectedly, the question of Ayu proved to be an idol response. Visible, Shahrukh Khan gives a surprising answer. " Of course, please ask your parents when … (Sure, please, ask your parents when)," answered Shahrukh Khan.

Girang gets an answer, Ayu then uploads a screenshot of the idol's response to his Instagram story. Of course, Instagram Ayu downloads instantly get an overwhelming response from the warganet. They are more and more curious about Ayu's response to the shocking response of his idol.

Responding to the news hearing, Ayu did not give much comment. He said that it was purely a joke.

"It's funny aja," Ayu explained during his meeting WowKeren tuesday (17/7). "There is no way, you guys, to overdo it."

The singer "Faux Address" already had a love story with an Indian actor, Shaheer Sheikh . Unfortunately, their relationship must fail.

Meanwhile, some time ago, Ayu was seen taking pictures with a long-time man who would have been a member of the film's production team. A similar man named Zeta Alfa Maphilindo with Shaheer makes a splendid sparganet to match Ayu with Zeta.

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