Capital Market Authority about the cancellation of BFI stock trades


Jakarta – PT Aryaputra Teguharta (APT) has asked the Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX) to freeze the shares of PT BFI Finance Indonesia Tbk (BFIN). Indeed, the APT trial was approved by the Administrative Court of the State of Jakarta (PTUN) on November 12, 2018 yesterday.

APT claimed to be the legal owner of 32.32% of the BFIN shares. It asked KPEI and KSEI not to facilitate the BFI litigation transaction and blocked the account of Trinugraha Capital & Co SCA, alleged to have committed an illegal act during the 2011 acquisition transaction.

The Indonesian Central Securities Depository (KSEI), as a capital market sub-contractor, is in charge of settlement (settlement of transactions) the shares explained that it could not cancel a transaction occurred in the capital market.

KSEI's director, Syafruddin, said that KSEI could block the transfer of ownership of badets in the form of disputed actions, but that it was preventive in nature and through certain mechanisms.

"So, for example, there is something (of legal effort) that is still unclear, then a request by the authorities that the shares not be traded. It's possible, but it must be at that time, "he told IDX Building, Jakarta, as written Thursday (29/11/2018).

But when there was a transfer of ownership of 32.32%, APT did not make the planned effort. There is also no temporary suspension of trading in BFI Finance shares.

"This is not suspended at the same time, and then the transaction happens," he added.

He also pointed out that KSEI had never done it recall for actions that have been processed. This is also related to efforts to provide convenience to market participants.

"It has never been possible to recall.In KSEI, this is not the case.This means that what has been registered is valid.I think the stock market (the Indonesian stock market) is also the same, "he explained. (das / ara)

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