Challenging the "old man" Amien, attacked behind PAN


Chairman of the National Mandate Party (PAN) Board of Directors, Amien Rais, said that the acquisition of 51% of PT Freeport Indonesia's shares is a lie. Prime Minister Ali Mochtar Ngabalin has asked Amien Rais to publish data relating to allegations

Amien Rais alluded to a government that had just agreed to acquire 51% stake in PT Freeport Indonesia. According to Amien, it's only a lie

"It's like we're happy that Freeport is back in the hands of Mother Earth. For me, that's just, sorry, lies, because they're still operational, they're all "Amien said on the site of the event in Masjid Al-Furqon Hall, central Jakarta on Saturday (14 / 7/2018).

But Amien refused to continue his remarks on Freeport. "I do not want to go into that further because there are more experts, so I can be wrong," he said.

In this regard, Ali Mochtar Ngabalin responded to the statement of Amien Rais. He asked Amien to show me the data he was talking about.

"The old man must properly prepare his data if the ESDM minister and the Indonesian government lie to about 51 percent of Indonesia's shares," Ngabalin said. "If Mr. Amien wants to increase his popularity as a presidential candidate and or want to raise his elektabilitasnya as a presidential candidate" taxi "do not slander and spread hatred on the government," he continued.

Ngabalin says, Amien's statements up to now that are attacking the government are not at all based on data. The rate of Ngabalin Amien actually dropped his credibility as a figure due to the policy in an unusual way.

Ngabalin admitted was in Yogyakarta accompanying the working visit of President Jokowi. He mentioned that many Yogya who supported Jokowi, in contrast to the attitude of Amien Rais.

"It is not uncommon for there to be those who comment and support" we support Pak Jokowi also after Ngabalin Sorban is at the Palace "," opponents of the old man Mas Ngabalin & # 39; I asked who is the old man who means & # 39; who else else the presidential candidate "taxi"? my name is Rais not use Rais' Oh I just know if the old man Amien Rais means, & # 39; Ngabalin sarcastic Ngabalin then challenged Amien. He asked Amien to show me the data for daring to mention the acquisition of PTFI shares by the government, it's just a lie

"Pak Amien Rais I t? wait where Mr. Amien Rais will leave me your data and documents on the lie of the government "

" For me, Amin Rais has the eyes closed and the dark heart and thought that during the 50 years that followed the Indonesia has only 9.36% of the capital and in 2018 under the leadership of President Jokowi controls and directly orders the renegotiation of 2018. Indonesia has managed to make freeport a part of matoritas, "he explains.

"Amin Rais was a good man to lie in. Twist the facts.Please let me know, Regards Richard Adkerson CEO of Freeport-McMoRan to Amin Rais With the statement" I think that's a good thing. is a very positive step, we have worked together in recent months to respond to instructions President Widodo, to find a win-win solution ". Said Amien Rais and his reproaches were forgiven by President Joko Widodo. (PAN) PAN President Ahmad Yohan said that he felt sorry for Ngabalin because he thinks that Ngabalin does not read much about the issue of the acquisition of PT Freeport

"We are sad, this kind of country has a special staff of the president who never reads, does not understand the problem, but only, "Yohan told AFP Sunday (15/7/2018). Yohan said, well before Amien Rais spoke about acquiring 51% of PT Freeport, some experts found their opinion, such as expert in international law Hikmahanto Juwana who ruled the case. agreement on the acquisition of these strange actions

Nyapres, PKS: May Be Discourse, Origin …:

"I think long before Mr. Amin speaks like that, many economists, experts open this question.There is a written Dradjat Wibowo, there is written Hikmahanto Juwana, there is the former Finance Minister Fuad Bawadzir yes, they are protests like the Pak Amien revealed. "Yohan said.

Yohan also claimed that what Amien Rais has to say is based on solid data and facts, but he says that Ngabalin does not understand the problem.

"Yes, from the facts and the facts, just pity, maybe Ngabalin did not read, it's new to be a legal expert, so he does not understand a lot of things, but he is like a security guard, and sometimes that security guard is more ferocious, "he said.

Yohan added that the government should be open with all the criticisms and contributions available.Not responded immediately in a way that is not good. "This is a significant problem. the benefit of our nation, and then responded in such a way, it saddens us.So I guess, do not be, it's imaging, but it's much more important than that, that's 39, is the problem of our nation. "

In addition, Yohan also suspects the answers and challenges given by Ngabalin are more political, because he thinks that Ngabalin still responds to Amien Rais's statement, while the 39, another party did not do it.

"And if Pak Amien who spoke some time ago was attacked? Yes, that's right. That's a lot to say, but Ngabalin has never responded. is ready to answer, is not it Mr. Amien only, answer this number of experts.But if Pak Amien speaks, it is overheating.I therefore think that this tends to to be political, to maintain the image of the government, "he explained.

"It's Pak Amien who talks about the interests of the nation, but then they react to that sort of thing.And more sadly, Ngabalin is never read, does not know a lot of the problems related to Freeport this, "he added.

  Ngabalin Story: Challenging the

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