Chico Jericho Upload a photo Princess Marino Shoot, Netter Sparks Ask Age Pregnancy


  Chico Jericho Upload Photo Shoot Princess Marino, Netter Heboh Question the Age of Pregnancy

The Princess Marino in black and white photo looks very beautiful and simple.

Chico Jericho has just uploaded a photo of his pregnant wife, Princess Marino . The concept of the photo shoot seemed ordinary, but very representative of a princess who always seemed simple.

The results of his photography were deliberately made in black and white. The princess wore turtleneck tight so that her swollen belly was visible. Holding the stomach in a star film choice poses " Possessive " this.

For the makeup of her face, Princess does not seem to ovulate excessive makeup. Another interesting thing is that the princess has also tilted her hair back. However, the beautiful aura of a pregnant mother radiated from the figure of the eldest of the three brothers.

Through this photo, Chico prayed that his wife and future baby would be in good health until the arrival of work. " Healthy yes my wife and my dear child (emoji hati) I can not wait for the three hugs # mrandmrsjerikho ," said Chico Friday, June 29.

Netter is happy for the Princess pregnancy right now. They also pray that the mother and baby are always healthy. " Looks very closely the same picture Legend ," says tires *** 01 . " Congratulations ka, always blessed the Lord of Debay with his mum ," exclaims bella *** meng " Health Continues @putrimarino and dedeknya May God bless you both @chicco .jerikho ", added feb *** sinha .

Unfortunately, on the other hand, a little more naive questioned with enthusiasm the current pregnancy of Princess. The couple who married on March 3, 2018 in Bali was known to never clearly reveal the age of the Princess Princess.

" Brp bln il bang ?? " asked syif *** 90 . " Udh brapa moon kak ,, cp very yaa ", added erna *** tra7 . " The brapan of the moon was brad? Udh gedhebgt..smoga softly ," added afi *** usri . Aside from Netter's biased comments, we pray for the princess and her healthy baby is always yes!

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