Chikita Meidy Surprised Husband Snoring Sleep


TRIBUNNEWS.COM – Chikita Meidy has just discovered after the wedding that Indra Adhitya Rachim, the husband, likes to snore while sleeping deeply

"While attending the time he was sleeping really quiet, there is no "singing." But now there is a train in his mouth, "said Chikita, laughing while he was meeting the Jalan Kapten P Tendean region, in South Jakarta, Thursday, July 19, 2018.

"Tired of darling," says Indra followed by laughter [19659002] Indra is even confused when asked for the usual or shocked attitude by Chikita after the wedding.

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"It's just a week Sunday First of all, yes, it's more detailed … well it's ugly, but yes it's more concerned with the little things too often ngingetin that you forget that, that, "says Indra. 19659002] Indra also says, the most happy yes there is, that's when Chikita never forgot to call back to worship.

"The most important thing ingetin pray do not forget," pray the congregation "every prayer sometimes gathers with him," says Indra who makes Chikita blush next to him. (19459005)

This information was diffusedon with the title "Chikita Meidy shocked her husband" "While Sleeping"

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