ChikitaMeidy is officially married to a 25-gram Maskawin gold herb

[ad_1], Jakarta The relief seen from the couple Chikita Meidy and Indra Adhitya. They undergo the process of the wedding ceremony at the Ulil Albab Bidakara Mosque. The contract process began to unfold around 4:00 pm

At the ceremony, both chose to wear the Minang custom. Indra Adhitya looks charming with traditional blue-silver koto gadang clothes. With a sweet phrase qabul sentence was set with one breath.

"I accept marriage and marriage Chika Cecilia Oktavianny Meidy bint Tofna Meddy MD with dowry, money," said Indra at the Ulil Albab Mosque, Bidakara Complex Hotel, Pancoran, South Jakarta, Sunday (8 / 7/2018) 19659002] Just Known, Indra Adhitya gives Chikita Meidy dot a set of prayer tools and gold jewelry weighing 25 grams. After qabul's consent, the word legal came out of the present witnesses.

Unfortunately, after the wedding ceremony, they did not want to give a statement. According to the wedding planner bride will soon be preparing to hold the reception process tonight.

Chikita Meidy wants to continue the family business

"Sorry, everyone can not (give an interview ) because it will be the exit of suntiang before the reception, "said a woman from the wedding organizer. Earlier reported, Chikita Meidy underwent several processes before the wedding takes place. Some time ago, they gave recitals and bathai nocturnal.

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