Childhood brain tumor, Marcella Zalianty Tuai Simpati Sahabat

Unpleasant news came from Marcella Zalianty's family. His second son with Ananda Mikola, Aryton Magali Sastra Soeprapto was sick. The boy was mentioned to have a brain tumor.

Recently, a photo in circulation showing Marcella waiting for her son. Ananda Mikola's wife was seen sitting watching Magali who was weak beside him with a sad face.

The broadcast of Marcella's photo with Magali collects a lot of pigeons from the public. So also with his celebrity friends. Among them are Alexandra Gotardo and Happy Salma.

Alexandra Gotardo is known for uploading a photo of Marcella who was waiting for her son in her Instagram Story and gave a supporting sentence. "Pray for Magali You are very strong, proud of your son," writes Alexandra.

Same with Happy Salma who uploaded the same picture. "Heals dear magali, the strength of a mother to the jewel of the heart, not both," wrote Happy.


Source: Instagram

The news of Magali's disease has inevitably shocked many people. Because last time, Marcella had time to invite her son's vacation together to Bali. It is known from the post that is shared Happy Salma in Instagramnya account.

Still, in her testimony Marcella in 2015, Magali is known to have suffered from brain tumors since 2014 when it was only 1 year old. At this point, Magali suddenly vomited for three days.

"The first Magali vomited for 3 days There is a cough for 2 weeks that does not go away." I brought Magali to the pediatrician, the doctor said that it's normal, l & # 39; 39, child vomited to remove the slap "said Marcella at the time. "Finally, I just calmed down, only then Magali also checked the circumference of her head, really, a little bigger."

Families who still feel khawatiir suggest that Marcella re-check Magali. It was then that he learned that his second child was a brain tumor.
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