Iis Dahlia is involved in two television shows during Ramadhan 2018.
TABLOIDBINTANG.COM – Iis Dahlia was involved in two television shows during Ramadhan 2018. He deliberately took many jobs because of the demands of the necessities of life. In addition, the end of this year, the daughter of Salshadilla Juwita will go to England to study
"As long as they are productive and healthy, they will win their school for Salsa soon in the UK" said Iis. Dahlia at Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta
"L & # 39; important, it is that we still love each other, that we still look at each other and that we can meet. "Princess Iis Dahlia will go to university in one of the majors Commercial marketing in the UK The plan is that it will leave in September or October 2018.
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