China plans to build its headquarters on the Moon


Previously, Europe would also have planned to carry out its independent mission to fly on the moon.

The European Space Agency (ESA) unveiled the mission's plan by launching the Batu Bulan regolith aka mining.

According to the information reported by the page Geek On Thursday (24/01/2019), ESA also signed a 12-month contract with rocket producer Ariane Group for the launch of an unmanned spacecraft to the Moon.

According to rumors, the spacecraft would be sent to the moon from 2025.

"The regolith is an ore capable of extracting the water and oxygen that humans need," ArianeGroup said.

Later, the Ariane group will pilot its Ariane 64 rocket to transport equipment and rover at the moon.

"The exploration of space resources such as the Moon is our key to determining if the Moon is habitable.This mission is also a global plan of ESA aiming to make Europe a global partner of the world. space exploration in the next decade, "said David Parker, director of the ESA division of Human and Robotic Exploration.

ArianeGroup and Arianespace will collaborate in this mission with German startups, PTScientists.

They will provide several rides and facilities to badist in mining exploration on the moon.

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