Choose Jokowi or Prabowo? Here are the answers Tommy Soeharto


BANGKAPOS.COM – After drowning after the new order had been uprooted, the second president of the Republic of Indonesia, Soeharto, began to reinstate politics

L & # One of them is his son bungsung, Hutomo Mandala Putra aka Tommy Soeharto (55 Tommy Suharto will animate the 2019 Democratic Party through his Party Political Party Party

This party was declared past the control and has the right to participate in elections 2019.

Not only participate in the legislature of Pimilu, Tommy also called (19659006) In his last interview, Tommy claimed that his party was focusing on Pileg first before deciding on # 39; attitude to be adopted in the presidential election

"We focus on fixing the bacaleg.

Asked if he would go to Nyapres Tommy claimed not to have taken a stand. [19659002] So, if not, who is T's choice ommy, Jokowi or Prabowo head to head?

"I'm more supportive where people are more," he said in an interview on the YouTube channel.

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