Chronology of Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin Fiancé in the Bahamas


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin got engaged while they were on vacation in the Bahamas. Some of their closest sources describe the chronology of the singer Love Yourself proposed his lover.

After the news of their widespread media involvement, Justin and Hailey still have not commented.

Night before the crowd at Baker's Bay, "said a source at E! News .

" Justin prepared his ring as they were in New York and he knew that He wanted to propose a sudden decision but Justin always knew Hailey and he had an incomparable special bond. "

It was a happy moment and Hailey was shocked, his face shocked but you know that they are both lovers one of the other, "adds the source.

Another source revealed: "They got engaged when [keduanya] took a vacation to Baker's Bay." Justin [nampak] is very happy and wants to be with Hailey. His family is very supportive and knows that He's in the best moments lately. Everyone is happy for him. "

Justin and Hailey had first been rumored dating back three years and had been interrupted ever since. They have been back in pairs for a few weeks, busy vacationing in Miami and New York.

Singers and models were last seen hand-to-hand in New York last week. Last month, the two were also spotted in Los Angeles, where Justin was seen carrying Hailey on the set of his clip

"Since they've been reunited, they're inseparable and Justin knows that he's not in trouble. he can not live without Hailey ".

"Justin and Hailey had already discussed marriage, but Hailey did not think it would happen so quickly, some of their friends knew about their facetime [panggilan video].

This engagement took place two weeks after Hailey erased all The singer's photos (19659003) on his Instagram account

"I do not know if they [Justin dan Hailey] are dating or not," Mendes told eTalk Canada, asked about Justin's relationship with Hailey. [19659006"Jelesaimandalltheseweregoods"headds

Meanwhile, Justin himself recently broke with Selena Gomez .

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