celebrate the goals of the Bajul Ijo team. The celebration of the goal of the opposing team in the country of Macan Kemayoran was put under the spotlight of the tribune. Son Menpora immediately received encouragement from supporters of The Jakmania who was invited to attend PTIK
Then after the son of Menpora surrounded by the Jakmania. It is then that the alleged beatings occurred. This makes the children of Menpora secure outside the stadium.
Persija Jakarta's director, I Gede Widiade, said that he was not expecting the event to occur during the match.
Widiade as representative of Persija apologized. He claimed that the incident at the PTIK stadium was unexpected by Persija and all the security apparatuses who attended the stadium. "I hope this incident can be a mutual learning. Once again I'm sorry that such a thing will not happen again," Widiade said. Between
Menpora's son, Imam Nahrawi, was the victim of a beating. (CNN Indonesia / Hesti Rika)
Judge Jakmania
The incident led to the field of law. Shortly after the incident, the police received complaints from the son of Menpora and his legal counsel.
South Jakarta Police Chief Ressusca's prison group, Stefanus Tamuntuan, declared the complaint based on police report No. LP / 1143 / K / VI / 2018 / Restro Jaksel dated 29 June, at name of journalist Ahmad Sirou Fadlolloh
The police then identified the person of Jakmania with the initials HP. He has been designated as a suspect in the case of alleged beatings of Menpora's son Imam Nahrawi
HP is not arrested because of the legal threats that imprison him under the l. Article 352 of the Penal Code. It is only required to report to the police
"It is a suspect of Article 352 of the Penal Code regarding mistreatment," said the head of the Metro Jaya Kombes Police Department Argo Yuwono, cited by AFP
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