Chronology of the death of Iqbal, beginning of the loss of friends until the supporters of the PSS thought – Soccer

[ad_1], BANTUL – The late Muhammad Iqbal Setyawan, victim of a clash between supporters of PSG and PSIM, reportedly watched the match with his four friends. Two of them are citizens of Cangkringan, Sleman, who is currently still being treated at RSUP Dr Sardjito.

One of Iqbal's friends, Balong Village, Timbulharjo, Sewon, named Angga, also accompanied Iqbal to watch the game. Ronggo, a member of Karang village Taruna Balong, said that Angga is still being interrogated by police for questioning. But Ronggo did not know in the mapolsek where Angga was examined by the police.

"Mas Anga after the match here, tell us how to get there." Anga's story if Iqbal is beaten because he is believed to be a supporter of the PSS. he watched two friends of Cangkringan who is a supporter of PSS, "said Ronggo, Friday (27/7/2018).

Based on the story of Angga, Ronggo said, after saying goodbye to his father before Iqbal met his four friends, including Anga. Angga watches the match in the same stand as Iqbal, while the other colleagues part. In the middle of the game, one of his friends has disappeared. Ronggo said that Angga did not know the cause of the disappearance of one of them.

"Until the game was over, the friend did not come in. Iqbal with Aris and Angga still the way to the parking lot. wait there temennya.Well there, they met the other supporters, they said that they had checked.The gang of partisans read Iqbal conversations to his friend who knows what that is, then immediately smother the support of Iqbal PSS, "said Ronggo

. he appears before them with a band of partisans. Apparently, the partisan had traveled lost Iqbal's motive and had forced him to show the location of Iqbal along with his other friends

"He has said that they were driven to the door around 7. He was not supporting yet, said Mas Anga, they were beaten there, keep bear jumping from the door 7 also participated in ngeroyok. "Ronggo said.

The youth of other cadets, Prayuda, said that Iqbal had a bad feeling as he was heading for the Sultan Agung Stadium (SSA) in Bantul. Cadet friends also persuaded him not to watch the game and take a break after the work of Bantul Expo at Gabusan Art Market. But Iqbal's determination to watch his favorite sport was unanimous: "He was reluctant to go to baseball," says Mas Angga, "there, Iqbal could say" how hot I am, huh? "And then a few minutes," my body is really cold? "In fact, he already had an intuition," says Prayuda

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