Clarify Aura Kasih on outstanding porn videos

[ad_1], Jakarta Not so long ago, the virtual world was thrown by a widely publicized bad video. Aluga Masyarakat, the woman in the video is the figure of the singer Aura Kasih .

Without the news does not wear it, Aura Kasih then give clarifications. After browsing his Instagram account, the singer of "Let's Love" also made his official statement to the media team.

Age of Aura Kasih is 28 years old, but this prevents her from getting married. Discover the exclusive interview Aura Kasih dengab

Met in the region of Kota Kasablanka, in South Jakarta, on Thursday (28/06/2018), the women of Bandung have also been firmly denied. According to him, the woman whose face was recorded in the badgraphic video is not her.

"Oh yes, about the video spelled out like a little sembinip, already surely not the telematics have already told me," says Aura Kasih [19659002] "I'm sad aja, I mean again anteng-anteng suddenly dikayuan like what do you mean, so I wrote on Instagram, because sadly sad … In 2010 I've been sempet also had at that moment a video with whom, I I am seneng again aja suddenly there is a rich news gini, regrets, "he added

Then, if Aura Kasih intends to report defamation to him to the police?

"This still dibicarain same management, it's my direction that ngurusin because sempet searched for the link that suddenly speaks but I said that he lost.I never talk with my friends who the police just say that it has to be back and forth continue, so I think it's not, it's important that I clarify in Instagram aja's enough to continued media help as well ", pungkas Aura of Love .

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