Indosatu.Net – Announcement of a national clbad of polygamy circulating on WhatsApp and social media network. A number of speakers who fill this clbad are practitioners of polygamy.
In the announcement, the polygamy clbad will be written in Jakarta, Sunday, July 29, 2018. It is written "Forum Poligami Indonesia.com". with jargon & fix & strive & # 39;
Accessed by AFP on Friday (20/7/2018), the Indonesian site of the Polygam Forum јugkah informs of the same plan of events, which concerns the clbad of polygamy, to be held in Jakarta on 29 July 2018. In fact it is written, the national clbad of polygamy (19659003) The courses were held in Bandung on August 12, in Surabaya on August 26, in Yogyakarta on September 9, in Pekanbaru on October 21, in Lampung on June 18 November, & "in Makbadar on December 23.
Indeed, the exact location of the polygamy clbad is not explicitly stated.Participants are required to register and transfer the Based on registration fees, then participants will be entered into the WhatsApp group to obtain information on the location of the event.
"Privacy awake," writes Indonesian Polygamy Forum on its website Web
Joined the announcement of the National Polygamy Clbad in Jakarta, the tickets are paid for Rp 3.5 million per participant. There is a coffee break, a companion, a paperback on polygamy and a sweatshirt with the words "added wives # 2019
"Free Kaos # 2019 adds", as circular circulars
present in the polygamy clbad in Jakarta as Ust Andi Arifin, Vikcy Abu Shamil, Aziz Loe M, and Ali ibn Ibn Khalid. They will provide material on the subject of polygamy with different topics.
Information about the event as it unfolds at the end of the year 2017. At that time, the organizer was Dauroh Polygamy Indonesia. It turns out that the Indonesian Polygamy Forum which held this year the national clbad of polygamy is the continuation of the Indonesian Polammy Dauroh formed by Islamist and polygamous activists, they mention it. Forum Polygamy Indonesia is an informal institution under the care of Rumah Cinta Indonesia
Polygamous Clbad Moto # 2019Add history: Injuries are the risks of the champion
The organizers of the national clbad of polygamy celebrate additives # 2019. Even they sell t-shirts # 2019 plus a wife complete with their motto.
The design of the T-shirt is known to the Facebook Forum Polygamy Indonesia account, accessed by AFP on Friday (20/07/2010). The Indonesian Forum on Polygamy is a national organizer of polygamy for a polygamous forum.
t-shirt design # 2019 addsupdate was uploaded to a Facebook account 2 days ago. The color of the T-shirt is white with a black arm. On the tagar writing side, the longer the slogan.
"# 2019 Add Shalihah Brides." The injury is at the champion's risk, "it's written in the shirt.
No information, if the T-shirt is to mark 2019. Informed in the picture, this shirt is sold 100,000 USD. Already 19 people who wear it, 1 person gave smiley emoticons, & a person moved a shock
Tag # 2019 adderry contains viral information about the national clbad of polygamy in Jakarta, July 29, 2018. Listed in Announcement of the national clbad of polygamy in Jakarta, tickets are paid at 3.5 million Rp per participant. The installation is a "coffee break", a companion, a polygamous pocket bra and a shirt # 2019. (Detik.com)
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