Colombia vs England Prediction: Open and challenging games


England will face Colombia in the 2018 World Cup Round of 16. The match at Spartak Stadium on Wednesday (3/7) is a real test for [TheThreeLions to show that They (19459003) finalist Group G. They appear quite dominant in the group stage by crossing the barriers Tunisia (2).

It can be said that England has had no difficulty qualifying for the last 16. -1) and Panama (6-1). Two wins in both matches have allowed England to appear in the last 16.

The only "heavy" match against England in the group stage is to face Belgium in the last game of Group G. But the match no longer determines the fate of both teams.

Great Britain and Belgium who have been confirmed to qualify for the last 16 to make a mbadive rotation on the makeup of players who are demoted. Eight changes made England, while Belgium made nine changes. The match was nothing but a second – level match.

Different situations will surely be felt by England in the round of 16 against Colombia. By the way, Colombia has qualified for the last 16 with the status of Group H champion. Tricolor performance in the group stage can not be taken lightly. Having lost 1-2 of Japan in the inaugural match, Colombia won in the next two games against Poland (3-0) and Senegal (1-0).

Force Set Piece England

British Capital for Silence Colombia is their line of productive attack during the preliminary round. England can only qualify as a finalist . But their points are the same as Colombia. The difference is precisely England scored more goals. Although this could be a sign that group G is a relatively easy group.

Of the three games, England is able to record eight goals. Harry Kane has become the central figure of British productivity up to now. The Tottenham Hotspur striker has five goals and has temporarily finished top scorer in the 2018 World Cup.

Moreover, the situation could also be a pillar of England to snatch the Colombian keeper. The reason, four of the eight goals that recorded the dead British ball. That was the highest number (with Uruguay) among all the 2018 World Cup teams.

In the match against Tunisia, Kane scored two goals after taking advantage of the tournament. a corner. Later in the match against Panama, two of England's six goals were scored through the dead ball.

In the circumstances the game Kane is not the only pillar of England. The Three Lions also have a great defender who often rides to help attack when the ball situation dies. John Stones, Phil Jones and Harry Maguire are the three who are in the spotlight. The first two regular names appear.

The Stones, by far the most prolific English defenseman with a two-goal record, stems from a dead ball process. In addition, in addition to the above three names, the United Kingdom recorded 60.8% of the success of the air duel, which became the second highest percentage among all teams (under Russia with 62.6% )


A productive attack line, too adept to exploit dead ball situations, may indeed be of benefit to England. But keep in mind, Colombia is not Tunisia let alone Panama. During the preliminary phase, Colombia showed that she had a solid defense.

Of the three matches in the group stage, only twice the Colombian goalkeeper conceded. Of the two goals imbedded in goalkeeper David Ospina, only one is produced by the situation open play . While another goal comes from a penalty execution.

In addition, the defense of England also deserves to be wary of the aggressiveness of the Colombian winger. More than half of Colombia's attacks are centered on James Rodriguez (left) and Juan Cuadrado (right) in 4-2-3-1 formation. The right sector which is the Cuadrado post becomes a Colombian axis of attack. Statistics note that 47% of Colombia's attacks start from the right (the highest).

The aggressiveness of the Colombian winger seems subtle in beating Poland 3-0. In the game, two of Tricolor's goals were marked by a combination of games centered on the wing sector.

Yerry Mina's first goal came from Juan Cuadrado's move in the right wing of the Colombian badault. The movement ended with an operand in Quintero, which immediately gave James Rodriguez a short feed. James is then finished with a cross that Mina successfully welcomed

Then Cuadrado's third goal was created through a combination of attacks from both sides of the Colombian wing. Following James Rodriguez, who released the revolutionary lure on the left side of the Colombian attack, Cuadrado, who emerged from the second row, was immediately stabbed in the heart of the Polish defense. The fast run, which makes Juventus players who can easily pushed into the penalty box of the opponent with ease. Cuadrado finally managed to break the keeper Wojciech Szczesny

Of course, it is a danger signal for the English defense that has the ratio conceded one goal per game. In the three matches of the group stage, the English goalkeeper has always conceded a goal. In the match against Belgium, a nested goal in Jordan Pickford's goal came from Adnan Januzaj's move from his left defense.


In addition to the above, Colombia is also very good at exploiting the tagged dead ball. There are three goals that Colombia managed to get through the dead ball. He must also be wary of the British defense. Given the foregoing, two of the three goals scored for Pickford's goal come from a set that could be maximized by opponents

. The referee who will lead the match is Mark Geiger from the United States. Of all the referees of the World Cup, Geiger was ranked as the second highest offensive (32.5 offenses per match, as much as Cuneyt Cakir). This will certainly be another support for play triumphing in the game.

Our prediction, England and Colombia will open early, considering that both teams have a good line of 39; attack. Even so, a little difficult for the rain of goals because the game will be tight. Chances are, England will win the match with a slim score of 2-1. Unless the match continues in the penalty shoot-out, the story will be different again …

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