Comeback Acting after 6 years, that's the reason Tamara Bleszynski Choose the comedy film


  Comeback acting after 6 years, the reasons Tamara Bleszynski choose the comedy film

In the movie "Ugalan Ugalan Bodyguard", Tamara serves as Erin the owner of a security service provider

After six years of emptiness in the world of Indonesian cinema, Tamara Bleszynski (43) plunges back into action. The choice of Tamara fell to the film " Bodyguard Ugal-Ugalan ". It's the first Tamara comedy film during an acting career. Previously, Tamara never acted in the genre of comedy, but for soap operas on the screen.

Back with the movie "Bodyguard Ugal-Ugalan", Tamara feels the desire to act in front of the camera. "It's good to be back, there are all sorts of things to be happy about, it's not long, so be thankful," said Tamara at CGV Grand Indonesia, Central Jakarta , Friday, June 30.

In the movie "Bodyguard Ugal-Ugalan" the production of MD Pictures, Tamara served as Erin, the owner of the security services rental "The Guardians". He also played with Syahrini Ririn Ekawati and a number of comics. He was embarrbaded because for a long time he did not act, Tamara finally managed to play his role well.

"It's funny, it's not embarrbading, I have a reading, so the problem of playing the movie is not yet known," Tamara says. "Slowly, one by one, this aja really pleased me," he added.

Tamara later revealed her reason for choosing the movie "Bodyguard Ugal Ugalan" as her work back. According to Tamara, this film has a good story. "Because I see first that the story is really funny, the players are good, so I'm so happy, so I hope this film is also very good," Tamara explained again. .

In addition, the filming process that has not taken long is also a Tamara consideration to accept the offer to act in this film. "I have been to Bali for my son, so I have six years of emptiness and I live in Bali," Tamara explained. "Because I only shot seven days and his role was quite challenging, I accepted the offer of this film, I'm back ." So I can quickly go back to Bali to study, "Tamara concludes.

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