Comedian Reza did not arrest the police for drugs


JAKARTA, – The host and comedian of Reza are not stopped by West Jakarta Metro Resort's police drug for drug abuse.

Erick Frendriz, chief of the subway drug unit of the Jakarta Metro West, said that Reza had been arrested at his home on Saturday morning (30/6/2018). "Erick says." 1965900 "What we captured at his residence in the Casa Jardin residence, Kedaun Kali Angke Cengkareng on Saturday morning, after his return from work" The police found a type of drug shabu weighing 0.19 grams and his device 39, aspiration. "

" Lami then did the examination at his home and then found evidence that there are three drugs with a net weight of 0.19 grams,. [Fonction (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {si (f.fbq) renvoie; n = f.fbq = fonction () {n.callMethod?
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