Commander of the Mutasi 81 TNI Pati, Major General TNI Besar Harto …


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JAKARTA – The TNI Commander, Marshal Hadi Tjahjanto, again carried out a mbadive transfer of a number of strategic positions occupied by senior officers of the TNI (pati) in three dimensions.

The transfer was based on the TNI Commander's Decree Kep / 1240 / XI / 2018 of 29 November 2018. A total of 81 TNI stars were transferred. No less than 45 Army Pati, 16 Navy and 20 Army Air.

"Movements of positions within the TNI to meet the organizational needs and career advancement of senior officials, in order to optimize the increasingly complex and dynamic tasks of the TNI.Therefore, the TNI s & # "This is the written statement of TNI headquarters received by SINDOnews in Jakarta on Thursday.

Of the many starches affected by the mutation, General Major TNI Great Harto Employee. Pangdam III / Siliwangi has been appointed commander of the army command.

He held the post left by Andika Perkasa, who was appointed Chief of Staff of the Army (KSAD). In addition, the Brigadier General of the Armed Forces, Maruli Simanjuntak, who was formerly head of the IV / Diponegoro Military District, was transferred to Danpaspampres.

Major-General Suhartono, who was formerly Danpaspampres, became Dankormar. While Major General Tri Soewandono was transferred to Commander Siliwangi III Commander. He was previously Danpussenif Kodiklatad.

Brigadier General Teguh Pujo Rumekso of Kasdam VI Mulawarman became Danpussenif Kodiklatad. Brigadier General Richard H. Tampubolon of Wadanjen Kopbadus became Kasdam VI Mulawarman.

Colonel Inf Mohamad Hasan of Danrem 061 / SK (Bogor), military command of Siliwangi III, became Wadanjen Kopbadus. 6. Major General Heru Suryono of Pa Sahli kindergarten. III Banusia Bid The commander of the TNI becomes the special staff of the commander of the TNI.


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